I am not your usual acupuncturist. I am also an electrical engineer. And I like to know how things work. It turns out that there are bio-electrical phenomena involved with how acupuncture works so my engineering background gives me an advantage that other practitioners don’t have. My knowledge allows me to make my treatments work better and has allowed my to develop new treatments that have proven to work clinically.

There may be acupuncturists that are better at traditional diagnostic skills than me and definitely better herbalists than me but with my knowledge and the tools available to me I can successfully treat many more conditions than they can. A good example is a patient I had several years ago. She had allergies and anxiety pretty bad. But Western medications and even Chinese herbs would help one problem but aggravate the other. But I discovered that if I needled LU1 if her lung pulse was weak and only then I would be able to down regulate her immune response an could still help her anxiety too. That is how I discovered the down regulating of the immune system of LU1. I found it out by palpation. I let her body tell me what it wants. It’s not always that simple, But I have learned over the years how important palpation is in both diagnosis and treatment. In fact I like to treat difficult and unusual cases. They are fun for me. I love the challenge. If you don’t believe me, call me and tell me what your problem is and I will tell you exactly how I might be able to help you. And if I don’t think I can, I will tell you that too. And I promise I will do my best.

Changing lives, one patient at a time.

Releasing Meditation

For your enjoyment and to help you release any stress you may have, below is a releasing meditation I have put together. Enjoy.