The Role of Structured Water in Acupuncture


Structured Water (H3O2) can be considered a 4th state of water between liquid and solid. It has the hexagonal structure of ice but missing a critical bond, it behaves more like a gel than a solid, but retains some of its crystalline structure thus also has some properties of a crystal lattice. So, it is thought of as a liquid crystal. But it is also more viscus than bulk water so it also behaves like a gel. H3O2 grows spontaneously next to hydrophilic (water loving) surfaces. They grow layer upon layer making what can be considered a very fine mesh that pushes out all impurities. Thus the name EZ which stands for Exclusion Zone. In the process, it also separates charge with the lattice being negative with the remaining Hydrogen going into the surrounding bulk water (H2O) where it then combines with a water molecule to form H3O which carries a positive charge due to the extra proton. Thus, a battery is formed between the lattice (called the exclusion zone or EZ), and the surrounding water. This process is then responsible for many effects as we shall see. And I am sure that as I learn more, more links will be discovered. Gerald Potter claims it is responsible for driving most cellular functions. As he talks about in his book “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life” the EZ is involved in many of the phase transitions that are involved in many of the processes in cells.

Inserting a Needle

A stainless-steel needle is by its very nature hydrophilic. So, when inserted in the body it comes in contact with extra cellular fluid which is mostly water. It then begins to make an EZ around the needle. This process is driven by radiant energy (mostly by infrared energy or heat). Since the body has plenty of heat, this reaction occurs spontaneously. Since the concentration of protons grows in the surrounding water, it also becomes lower in pH. The negative charge of the EZ draws water molecules to it to continue the build up of the EZ region, but also contributes to the drawing of water to the site of needle insertion adding to the effect of electro-osmosis and adding to the anti-inflammatory effect as I have explained elsewhere. Moxaing the site will add more radiant energy to the reaction, speeding it up and creating a larger EZ zone and increasing the negative charge.

Structured water and Inflammation

As described in his book “The 4th Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor”, by Gerald H. Poollack he describes how inflammation in the body is driven by the structured water reaction. Apparently, the cells are filled with structured water and not bulk water. The process is inhibited by the strength of the cellular matrix. I developed my Anti-Inflammation Electro-Acupuncture (AIEAC) treatment based on my view that electro-negativity was involved through electro-osmosis. Breaking down the EZ layers converts the H3O2  back into 2H2O. Usually this process is driven by H3O ions infiltrating the EZ where there are breaks in the structure and returning it back into bulk water. Then you get the reaction H3O+H3O2 =3H2O. Now using polarized waveforms or d.c. can strip electrons from the structure and break it down also. Injuries cause the H3O ions to penetrate the EZ structure and start the inflammatory process. Usually, the extra-cellular matrix holds everything firmly on place. Since bulk water is less dense than EZ, the process of converting EZ into bulk water puts pressure on the bonds of the matrix making it unzip like a zipper. Thus you get rapid swelling.

Structured water can also drive fluid flow so it may even be at least partly responsible for the flow in the meridians also.  Just like it can drive blood flow in the capillaries. Basically what happens is the production of EZ layers on the insides of meridians and pretty much all structures in the body means the body’s water is filled with H3O ions and will be attracted to any negative charge. Thus providing yet another reason why water is attracted to negative charge.

Forming the meridians and Driving the Flow

So far, I have thought of the meridians as being formed by the difference in charge between the head and spinal cord and the hands and feet. It is supposed that lines up the extra cellular spaces. I have clinical evidence that some ordering does occur or my treatment would not have worked, but it did. What if there is something else that enhances this effect and also partly drives the flow? The formation of EZ surfaces on the cell walls can be expected but with holes to allow movement of nutrients and waste products between inside and outside the cell. These EZ zones can also be expected to somewhat span the gaps between the cells making the channels better defined. That might also be driven by a voltage applied along the meridian. Cell walls have a large percentage of its surface as hydrophilic which would drive EZ formation. But the surface is broken up by other molecules which then allows for the holes in the EZ that are required for proper membrane function.

 In addition, forming channels of EZ material can induce flow in the channel by positively charged protons and H3O molecules that collect in the middle of the channel. This movement goes towards the center of the body (the chest) because the charge distribution inside the body is opposite that on the surface. Therefore, the flow will be towards the center of the body by the positively charged bulk water being attracted to the negatively charged head and spine, which is what is observed. This is all just speculation on my part, but it does fit the facts as I know them. And this provides another possible source of the flow in the meridians.

Basically, what I envision as happening is this: The formation of the EZ layers releases hydrogen atoms which then connects to H2O in the channel to form H3O+ These molecules are attracted to the negative charge in the center of the body which then causes the flow to go in that direction instead of the other direction. The other force driving the flow is the difference in concentration of H3O between inside the tube and outside the tube. The difference in charge is what drives the flow in the direction it winds up going. Measuring the flow rate induced by this mechanism by experimentation can determine what percentage of the observed flow rate can be attributed to this mechanism.

In addition, the EZ layer consists of many loosely bound electrons, causing it to be a very good conductor of electricity. Since the electrons can flow in any direction in the EZ, it behaves like an “N” type semiconductor!

Formation of the Meridians Themselves

Now in addition to my thought that the electric field produced by the body (and even by the embryo) caused the cells to line up and make the meridians following the electric lines of force similar to how iron filings line up in a magnetic field. But structured water may be playing a role here too. Let me explain how. If the membranes of cells are mostly or even partly made up of hydrophilic surfaces, then they will automatically grow EZ layers and thus put positive ions in the extra cellular spaces. Since like charges repel, that will push apart the cells like a balloon blowing up. That is one force that he structured water would cause. In addition, The positive charge that accumulates in the extra cellular spaces also would be both attracted by the negative charge in from the head and spinal cord and repelled by the positive charge in the hands and feet (the charge inside the body is opposite from the surface of the body). Since like charges repel, that would put a force on the extra cellular fluid to move towards the chest. The combined forces could be enough to further align the meridians. The three forces could be enough to make the meridians to form in the first place. At least it seems plausible to me.

Another thing the EZs might be able to explain is the low current level to induce the increase ATP levels. It may be that at high enough current level, you break the EZ layer bonds, thus reducing EZ stability. If the low current through the EZ layers is responsible for providing the energy for the increased production of ATP, then higher currents breaking the EZ structure would disrupt that process. An easy experiment would be to run current through an EZ layer and see what happens at different current levels. A simple experiment would be to put acupuncture needles in jello (which is a good representation of EZ) . Then apply a polarized waveform or a d.c. voltage to the needles. You should see water form at the positive pole. The effect may even be current related. Since the effect depends on removal of charge, it will not happen with a a.c. waveform. To show the effect of current on formation of EZ, You would use pure water with micro-particles mixed in and set to form an EZ layer at the top layer of water, Then place acupuncture needles in the EZ layer and apply a.c., d.c. and polarized waveforms at different current levels and see what happens. The only problem is that the EZ layer is relatively small and would need a good microscope setup to see. I suspect growth of the EZ layer will occur with all low current applications since the EZ will absorb the electromagnetic energy and grow. But at a certain current level it will stop. I suspect that level will correspond to microcurrent levels. These are easy experiments to do, and I hope to do them myself sometime in 2022 (sorry, didn’t get to it). Just more projects to put my already overflowing plate. But stay tuned.

Why Does Inserting a Needle Into the Belly of a Muscle Relax It?

I have long known of this effect and used it in my practice but never knew the exact mechanism involved. It turns out that is due to phase transitions between bulk water and structured water. The transition from bulk water to structured water lengthens all three parts of the sarcomere whereas the transition from structured water to bulk water shortens them. So, when you stick a needle in the belly of a muscle, since the needle is hydrophilic it will trigger the transition from bulk water to structured water. This reaction can then spread to the rest of the muscle, relaxing it. So, now we probably have the actual mechanism involved.

Why Does Heat Relax a Muscle?

In a similar way as above, heat (infrared radiation) also triggers structured water formation thus relaxing it. Heat would work better than a needle since the effect would be more spread out (takes about 5 minutes to reach a balanced state). Neither effect will last that long since once the stimulus is removed, the tissues will return to the balanced state between structured and unstructured water ( takes about 15 minutes).

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