Treatments I have Developed

Treating Inflammation with Electricity instead of Chemistry

I like to know how things work. That is why I became an Electrical Engineer before becoming an Acupuncturist. That background has proven to be very useful. When I read Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom book where he describes a phenomena he calls “electro-osmosis” I immediately realized that inflammation is probably associated with an accumulation of negative charge. Electro-osmosis describes how an electrical field causes water to move away from the positive pole and toward the negative pole. This doesn’t happen in a bucket of water. It requires a tissue matrix. Being an electrical engineer I knew how to move electrons (the source of negative charge). S I developed a form of electro-acupuncture to do just that. At that time I had a patient who had both Plantar Fascitis and neck pain (due to inflamed nerve roots) That responded to normal acupuncture and electro-acupuncture but they both would come back after about two weeks. So I explained it to her and got her permission to try it (I had already tried it on myself so I knew what it would feel like). And lo and behold, after 3 treatments, they both went away and did not come back. That was more than 30 years ago. In the years since, I have perfected it to get more initial pain relief and to avoid possible problems. I have used it many times since and it usually works every time. In fact, if it doesn’t work, that is diagnostic of either a degenerative process or torn or broken tissues. Which I have also developed treatments for (see below). I call this treatment Anti-Inflammation Electro-Acupuncture (AIEAC). It usually takes 15 minutes per point. The patient will usually get some pain relief right away and more pain relief 2-3 hours later (although sometimes not until the next day) as the swelling actually goes down. It treats an area a little smaller than a dime in diameter. You don’t need to get needle sensation when putting it in (but it is OK if you do, you will typically get plenty of sensation from the electro part of the treatment. It typically feels like a buzzing or fast tapping sensation depending on the frequency used. It doesn’t hurt, or it is being done wrong.

You can get a slight anti-inflammation effect with just a needle with the proper needling technique. I call that Anti-Inflammation Acupuncture (AIAC). You can get a slightly stronger effect by using an Ion Pumping Chord along with an Electrode Pad. But AIEAC works best. I use it on the points that are the most tender. I will just needle the others. You will find the tenderness improved or even disappears with treatment. Recently I tried it with using electrode pads at both ends of the circuit. With FSM they have found that using a polarized waveform on inflamed nerve roots worked better than using an alternating waveform. That made me think my treatment might work with just pads too. So I had a chance to try it on someone recently and it seemed to work. The real difference is with a needle the effect is concentrated. With an electrode pad of a wet towel the effect is more spread out because of the reduced current density. Depending on the machine used and the equipment used, you might be able to turn it up enough for them to feel it, producing a stronger effect and depending on the frequency chosen, more initial pain relief. Basically the effects are due to the waveform, the intensity and the frequency.

Treating Cataracts and Macular Degeneration


Cataracts form when the proteins that form the lens begin to break down. Those breakdown products are what clouds the lens. This is a classic degeneration process. As I have stated before, degeneration is easy to treat. All you have to do is supply electrons to the area. That will slow or stop the degeneration in its tracts. I have done it for degenerating disks of the spine.It will stop the tenderness at the Du point pretty quick. Now with cataracts there are two easy ways to treat them. First, you can needle points around the eye such as Tai Yang, SJ23, ST1,2 or 3, UB1 or 2.All of these points enter the eye and provide a clear path for the electrons to get to the lens. Then, since the skin on the face does not have that many electrons to to donate as does the hands or feet, I put a sticky electrode on the back of the hand the problem eye is on and connect it to the needle with an Ion Pumping Chord. I leave it connected for at least 30 minutes. It’s that simple, at least for stopping the degeneration. The second method is by using Earthing. That is a treatment the patient can do at home. I sell an Earthing kit that I have made. You just plug one end into the ground of a properly wired electrical outlet. Tho other end has two wires that have pin plugs that plug into sticky electrodes. You then place the electrodes on your temples. The wire is long enough so you can even sleep with it on.

To repair the damage I would use FSM using the frequency for “torn and broken” paired with the three frequencies for the lens. Since torn and broken is time dependent, you should run each pair for at least 15 or 20 minutes if not longer. Another thing, cataracts often come with dry eyes. This makes perfect sense since positive charge drives away water. You would expect that. And indeed many but not all people with cataracts have dry eyes too. Not every one will have dry eyes since there are situations that can ameliorate that problem such as really good tear production.

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is a bit more complicated. There are two types, Dry, and Wet. The dry kind you can pretty much treat like cataracts but you would use a different FSM protocol due in part to the different tissues involved. Other FSM practitioners have had some success treating both kinds. Now let me tell you why it makes sense there are two kinds. First I assume that the disease starts with the dry kind. Then you get an immune response that triggers an inflammatory condition. then the negative charge attracts water and you transition into the wet kind. So how do you treat that you might ask. Again easy. You needle the same points mentioned above, but this time you needle most of them. Here we are letting the electrons accumulate under the skin. Then the accumulated charge will then attract water from the inflammation bringing it down. You can even needle two points on the ST and UB channels to enhance the effect. Eventually it will revert to the dry kind just like they have seen when treating the wet kind with FSM. Now you could also do nanoneedling around the infraorbital ridge to get the same effect.

Moving Extracellular Fluid with Acupuncture (MEFAC)

You can use needles to influence the flow of extracellular fluid. I know it works because I have used it successfully in my practice. I have used it to treat lymph edema. For this there is also an FSM protocol for it. They work good together since they work through different mechanisms. You can also use it to help flush out toxins from the tissues. I have done that and it worked. There are frequencies in FSM for toxins but they don’t flush out toxins. The current thinking is that they correct the disturbance on the cell membrane that they cause that makes it behave differently and that is why you don’t get the flu like symptoms when you use FSM for toxins. But they should work good together. My results have been mostly with needles alone. For example, I had a patient who had burning in her feet that the doctors assumed it was a reaction to anesthetics used in a surgery she had. But they offered no treatment for it. She then saw another acupuncturist for eight treatments with no effect on the burning in her feet. A friend of hers suggested she see me, and she did. Right away I knew what the problem was and how to treat it. So I explained it to her and then did the treatment. We got 50% improvement from one treatment! With continuing improvement with follow-up treatments. We then hit a plateau and then I realized I wasn’t treating the channel between the channels (yes there are more channels than you were taught). So, I palpated for points on the additional channels and included them in the treatment and we got further improvement. I have treated lymph edema once with needles alone and once adding FSM to the treatment as well. Both times it worked to improve the swelling. I have also tried it to help with pain in the feet and lower legs due to diabetes and gout. In both cases I was trying to flush out toxins that were bothering the tissues. So how do you do this type of treatment?

Putting a needle in anywhere in the body will cause the extracellular fluid to move towards the needle. This is due to the migration of charge (electrons) from the surface of the skin to collect under the skin. This then causes the migration of fluid due to the phenomena called electro-osmosis. This phenomena causes water to migrate to anywhere there is negative charge. The extracellular fluid flows from the periphery towards the heart where it mixes with the blood to continue its voyage. The acupuncture meridians are a secondary system for the circulation of this fluid and helps the lymphatics do its job during periods of rest or inactivity when the lymphatics are not working so strongly. This circulation is important because it is the extracellular fluid that is responsible for the exchange of nutrients and waste products of metabolism between inside the cells and outside. And if you think of the qi in the channels as being related to this circulation, then what you were taught as the direction of qi flow in the channels is wrong. The extracellular fluid in the channels goes from the peripheral to the canter of the body as the research by the French doctors Darras and De Vernejoul showed. They injected radioactive dye into acupuncture points to see where it would go. It followed the meridian pathways but always traveled from the periphery to the center. So, to improve the return flow in the legs all you have to do is needle points on the channels around the knees. That will help the return flow. And it will help any problem that would be helped by that. That has been my clinical experience further validating these concepts. This is just another thing I have figured out that nobody else has. That is because I have been exposed to information other acupuncturists haven’t because of my background as an electrical engineer as well as my other interests. And I am good at seeing relationships others don’t. And being an acupuncturist allows me to bring it all together to make acupuncture a science and no longer so mysterious. I can explain how everything we do (except our way of taking pulses) works scientifically (see my previous book). This book will show how that knowledge can be used clinically to make your treatments work better and to give you more techniques to use so you can treat more things.

Now this effect is somewhat additive. The main influence is distance. The closer to the problem you put the needle(s) the stronger the effect. Putting more negative charge in the area has less effect. For example, I treated a patient with swelling in her neck and jaw area from a surgery. Needling LI16 helped but when I added LI4, it helped more but when I needled LI16 and LI11, it helped the most. So distance matters more than charge which you would expect from the formulas in physics that relate to the forces involved. This is why I now use two needles in each channel about an inch or so apart for peripheral nephropathy, etc. Also, the meridians are about 3/4 inch wide when you are talking about the flow of extracellular fluid in the meridians. and you don’t even have to needle an acupuncture point to get this effect. Anywhere along the channel will do. 1/4-1/2 inch depth will do as well.The size of the meridians is something else that deserves more research. As well as where they go in the chest and how they connect to their associated organ and how they connect back to the heart(to continue their journey throughout the body).

Treating Degeneration

Degeneration occurs from electrons being stripped from molecules. Electrons bind atoms together, so when they are stripped from molecules (like tissues) they fall apart. There are various causes how this can happen in the body. First is by chemical reactions such as by free radicals. Free radicals and chemicals like them, have a chemical structure that really needs electrons to become more stable. And they will steal them from other nearby molecules. In the body this causes the start of a degenerative process of destruction of tissues. The body (in particular the immune system) responds to this destruction by sending parts of the immune system to clean up the damage and prepare for repair of the area. The immune system does this by triggering an inflammatory response. So how do you stop a degenerative process? Easy, by supplying more electrons to the area. That will slow or stop it in its tracks.

Our ancestors did not have much problems with degenerative diseases or free radicals because they walked barefooted and slept on the ground. The earth is an unlimited supply of electrons and we evolved with that connection. But in today’s society we have lost that connection. There is a self care technique called “Earthing” that seeks to reconnect us with the earth. You can do it yourself by walking barefooted on the ground, on the beach, etc. I use it in my clinic when appropriate. I have an aluminum plate that I connect to the earth. I have made a wire you can connect to earth in your own home that has connections for electrode pads which you can put on the bottom of your feet and is long enough so you can sleep that way.

Now there are other ways I can treat you for degeneration. The easiest way is to needle the problem area. The surface of your skin naturally has free electrons. So by sticking a needle through the skin will allow those electrons to go through the needle and collect under the skin. If there is positive charge anywhere in the area, the electrons will be attracted to it (opposite charges attract) thereby neutralizing the positive charge. Now it so happens that some parts f the body has more free electrons than others, so sometimes, to get more electrons to the problem area, we need to borrow them from other parts of the body. That requires the right tools. And for an even stronger effect, you can use an electro-acupuncture machine with the right setup. Unfortunately, most acupuncturists don’t know anything about any of this. I personally am trying to change this and make acupuncture a true science in people’s eyes and bring it into the 21st century. To that end I have made the website “” to share my knowledge of how acupuncture really works scientifically. I understand all this because I am also an Electrical Engineer. And like to know how things work. And after practicing for over 30 years, I have figured out things no one else has.You think I am lying? Read what I have written on my site. It is not that hard to understand. then, if you have any objection to anything, I would like to hear it because I have yet to get one objection to anything from anybody. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes like everyone else, so I am open to any objection. That is how we learn. My treatments listed here further prove the validity of my views since they work. And I’m not done yet. I am constantly thinking of new things to try.

Treating Broken Bones

You wouldn’t think of acupuncture for treating broken bones. But I am not talking about setting a break, just making it heal faster. I first learned how to do this after reading about how Dr. Becker treated non union fractures with electricity. I realized I could do the same thing with needles. Then I cracked some ribs from a snowboarding accident. So I tried it on myself and it helped with the pain and I was back on the slopes in 3 weeks. Then I cracked some ribs again a couple of years later. Again it helped me get over it faster. Then I learned about FSM. They have a protocol for broken bones. Then I got a chance to try it on 3 broken toes. It first helped with pain and then made walking easier. We were done in 3 weeks, half the usual time. And I didn’t have to use needles. So both techniques speed the healing process about the same amount. One uses needles (but should also work with electrode pads), the other doesn’t.

Treating Partially Torn Tendons, etc.

This treatment is similar to treating broken bones. You needle on either side of the tear (which can be hard or impossible for some injuries like a torn ACL). Running current across the tear and creates an electric field across the tear which then causes bits of collagen in the extra cellular fluid to lone up in the field and fill the tear and strengthen the tendon, etc. How many treatments it takes depends on how severe the tear is. Slight tears take only 1-3 treatments.Severe tears may take 6 or more and pain relief may only be seen after 3-4treatments. FSM can help heal tears too but the treatments will take longer (the frequency for “Torn or Broken” is time dependent). But again, FSM does not use needles and is painless. Both treatments work.

And I’m not done yet. I am constantly thinking of new things to try. Right now II am working on a treatment for bone-on-bone joints to avoid surgery. It seems to be working but needs some improvements. I am also trying to build a machine to do dc. treatments that I hope to treat scars and other skin blemishes with. I have done the impossible before and I ill do it again.Most of what I think up works, so I am optimistic. And even if the treatment for scars an skin blemishes doesn’t work, we will learn useful things in regeneration science in the process.

Treating Wrinkles

This is my most recent treatment I have thought up. I basically use electro-acupuncture to draw body fluids to wrinkle to fill it in. I have done it on myself and it does work, it just takes longer than I hoped for. However, some of the effects do seem to last and I think I know why. I did wrinkles on my forehead.

Now recently, I have thought of ways to improve my treatment and am trying it on myself. Not that I have big wrinkles or anything. But it does seem to be working. at the very least, I can show that I can move water where I want it to go.

Treating Bone-on-Bone Joints

Since devising this treatment, I have only had the chance to treat one patient. Fortunately, she did fairly well with significant reduction in pain and improvement in function. We discovered however, her knee joint was not fully separated during treatment. That interfered with the treatment. One side of the joint appears to have healed nicely while the side that was touching did not. I assume that instead of growing cartilage it was trying to grow the bones together instead. By having her position her leg so the full joint was opened the following treatments helped some, but not as much as was hoped. But now we know to make sure the joint is open when doing a treatment. I have also thought of adding a treatment on the joint to add a lubricant to it so things can slide against each other better.

My biggest problem is my disability. It has proven very difficult to construct the battery powered device I have designed with only one hand because of my stroke.Still, I try. Without more devices, I will have trouble treating more patients. Because of my stroke, I am finding it very difficult and frustrating to solder. Buut makiong cables is easier.

I am also interested in seeing if this treatment will help with less severe knee problems such as a deteriorating joint. So far the results are very promising.

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