Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are similar to homeopathic remedies, and are used mainly to treat emotional disturbances. I have a questionnaire that I use to figure out what combination of Bach Flower Remedies will be most useful. You answer the questionnaire according to either an acute situation you’re dealing with  (feelings that come and go)or something more chronic (generally something you are more constantly feeling). I then prepare a 1/2 or 1 ounce treatment bottle customized just for you. To treat yourself, you just put 4 drops either on your wrist, under your tongue or in 1/4 cup of water to sip on. they will either help of do nothing. Each remedy “represents” a particular feeling or way of being and the questionnaire helps me identify the proper remedies.

I also offer remedies of FSM protocols that can also help emotional problems. There are protocols ror PTSD, Anxiety and one called Relax and Balance that I customize for the individual patient. They have found it useful to help them get to sleep. The emotional relationships with the organs of the body are similar to those found in Traditional Chinese Medicine.