
Cataracts form when the proteins that make up the lens break down ans cause the lens to become cloudy. Breakdown of tissue is by definition degeneration. Degeneration is typified by a lack of electrons (making it positively charged. Makes sense since electrons are what holds molecules together. So if we can supply the electrons to the area, we should be able to slow or stop the degeneration. I can do that and is very simple.

Self Care for Cataracts

I have treated degenerating spinal disks and have stopped the pain it was causing.

There is a simple way for self-care of Cataracts. It works best in the early stages before much damage is done. It will not repair the damage that has already been done, but it will slow or stop the damaging process. I will tell you how it works and how to do it correctly. Why doctors haven’t been telling you this all along is beyond me. The solution is obvious to me and is easy to understand. Like usual, doctors are not as smart as they claim to be. I guess they would rather replace the lens instead of preventing the damage in the first place. So. Lets begin.

Cataracts are caused by the proteins that make up the lens breaking down. Those broken down parts of the lens are what clouds the lens and affecting your vision. What happens chemically, is the electrons that are responsible for holding the proteins that make up the lens are pulled away from the protein by free radicals or similar chemical process. So, if we can supply the area with free or loosely bound electrons so whatever the chemical process is at work will take those supplied electrons instead of stealing them from the proteins that make up the lens. It is that simple.

So where do we get the electrons from? What doctors probably don’t know is that your skin has both resistance AND capacitance. So, your skin holds charge somewhat akin to a battery. These electrons are free or loosely bound to the surface of the skin. Since opposite charges attract, when the lens loses electrons during the breakdown process which makes the lens positively charged. So, you just have to get the electrons on your skin close enough to the lens so they will be attracted to the positive charge at the lens. It turns out that your hands and feet hold the most charge on your skin. So, all you have to do is touch the inner canthus (the inside corner of your eye)with your fingers with your eyes closed and hold them there for some length of time. I think if you do this several times a day you have to do is for only five minutes or so. Now if your eyes are dry (common with cataracts since positive charge drives water away), you might have to lick your finger tips ahead of time to ensure good electrical contact. Your saliva is a good conductor of electricity as are all fluids of the body.What you will notice first is your eyes will stop feeling dry. And it will only take a few minutes to happen. That is showing you the treatment is working.

Macular Degeneration

This will also work for the dry type of Macular Degeneration since it is the same type of process but in the beck of your eye.

The wet kind of Macular Degeneration is more related to inflammation. The negative charge associated with inflammation causes the ATTRACTION of water, thus the wet eyes. The inflammation is due to the destruction of tissue from the degeneration. Since it is very difficult if not impossible to get a needle near the site of degeneration, you cannot use my AIEAC treatment. Fortunately there is I Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) protocol that is supposed to turn the wet kind into the dry kind of Macular Degeneration.

There is even a way you can enhance the effect on yourself. It is called “Earthing“. I sell a kit to do Earthing at home. It consist of a pack of sticky electrodes and a 10′ o connect the sticky electrodes to the ground of an electrical outlet. The ground is physically connected to the earth if your house is wired correctly. There is a device you just plug into the outlet to check if it is wired correctly. You can get one at any hardware store. It costs under $10.00 typically. You just place the electrode on the back of the hand you will use during the treatment. Since the earth is essentially an unlimited supply of electrons, earthing charges up the natural capacitance of the skin. Then since opposite charges are attracted to each other, The electrons will get through the skin at acupuncture points and skin pores (or in this case the finger tips)and then can easily find their way to the degeneration. We evolved with this connection to the earth and have lost it with wearing shoes and sleeping above the ground. That helped protect us from free radical damage and degenerative processes.