Hand acupuncture was developed in Korea (called Koreo Suji Kim) is yet another micro-acupuncture system. It is different than Hand Reflexology in how the parts of the body are represented in the hand. Since the hand has so many nerve endings, needling is usually painful. I won’t put you through that. Instead I have found that 800 gauss magnets work instead. The problem with putting anything on the hands is making them stay in place. I have found thatusing extra adhesive and paper tape works best. Using magnets on the hands is another way of treating a problem without needles. The points to be treated can be found by palpation (they are tender) or with a point locater (they are more conductive electrically).
Hand Acupuncture
Hand acupuncture was developed in Korea (called Koreo Suji Kim) is yet another micro-acupuncture system. It is different than Hand Reflexology in how the parts of the body are represented in the hand. Since the hand has so many nerve endings, needling is usually painful. I won’t put you through that. Instead I have found that 800 gauss magnets work instead. The problem with putting anything on the hands is making them stay in place. I have found thatusing extra adhesive and paper tape works best. Using magnets on the hands is another way of treating a problem without needles. The points to be treated can be found by palpation (they are tender) or with a point locater (they are more conductive electrically).