Menstrual Problems (Irregular, Heavy, Painful)

Heavy or Painful Menstruation

Heavy or Painful Menstruation is readily treated by acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Heavy Menses is often a problem with the liver in Chinese medicine, usually an excess condition which can be easily treated with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. In Chinese medicine the menses is due to the liver qi flowing properly. So if the liver qi or blood is deficient or thee qi is stagnant the blood will not flow. If it is deficient qi or blood it is best treated with herbs. If the qi is stagnant it can be treated with needles or/and herbs.

Light or no or Irregular Menses

Light or no or Irregular Menses also can be readily treated, but in these cases it is often a deficient condition (usually liver blood or qi) which is best treated with herbs since herbs work better than acupuncture in treating blood deficiency. Qi deficiency can be treated with both herbs and acupuncture. Basically, if the body doesn’t produce enough blood, the menses will be light or none at all.

Painful Menses

Painful Menses is most often due to liver qi not flowing smoothly. The Chinese say the liver qi forces the blood to flow so if there is an insufficiency of liver qi, or stagnant liver qi, the blood can’t flow which causes pain (and often the emotional disturbances that often comes bef orafter it flows. Acupuncture and/or herbs can successfully treat painful menses or emotional disturbances.

Irregular Menses

Irregular menses is due to the irregular of qi of the liver. There is a particular combination of points that treats that.