It may sound crazy but I can also do remote treatments with FSM. It works because of a thing called entanglement in particle physics. When two identical particles are entangled, what happens to one happens to the other instantly no matter the distance. So the picture of a person’s face captures the “essence of you” and connects you to the picture. Think of it as a form of resonance. So, when I run a protocol through the metal plate I have put your picture on, I am treating you through the picture.
My setup for remote treatments. The large alligator clips send the frequencies through the plate. The small banana plugs on right I use for Earthing.
And since the magnetic field that is created by the current running through the plate extends some distance above the plate, you can even treat several people at once. I have done over 1,000 remote treatments as of this writing and it does indeed usually work. I have even treated animals successfully remotely. I have even gotten in the habit of doing remote treatments on myself because it is easier than hooking myself up to a machine. the only thing that is different with a remote treatment is there is no current running through your body so you will not get the effects of micro-current. Micro-current increases the production of ATP in the cells by 500%. That is the molecule the cells use for energy. So it is tonifying. But you do get the effects of the frequencies. And that is the usually the most important part of the treatment usually anyway. For example, I successfully treated a dog who was diagnosed with Colitis (Elvis, pictured above). So I made up a treatment for it focusing on inflammation, organic toxins and allergy reaction in the large intestines and ran it remotely. And it helped a lot(Just three treatments). Now the dog is not having any problems any more. And then there was a time when I treated someone for rotator cuff issues and me for tender tendons in the shoulder. I treated us both with “torn and broken” and “acute inflammation for tendons (both are time dependent so I ran them both for 20 minutes remotely together) and we both felt better. My pain went completely away. Remote treatments are especially useful for long treatments like PTSD which takes 135 minutes to run. Remote treatments are also useful when the patient has trouble getting out of the house for whatever reason. All I need to do it is a good selfie and a good description of what’s wrong. FSM uses two frequencies where one represents the tissue involved and the other represents what’s wrong with it. A “protocol” is what they call a treatment and is like computer code. Each “line of code” which contains the wave shape, F1, F2, current level, the duration in minutes, and the polarity of the waveshape. My experience has been that if you guess right and the frequencies are known, it usually will usually work. The protocols that have been developed by treating people seem to work for what they were designed to treat. The only thing I have come across that doesn’t work is a scar on the skin. I charge $30.00 for three treatments a week and $30.00 to put together a custom treatment. You can pay by credit card. So you don’t even have to leave your house to get a treatment.
Now I have discovered a way to get the microcurrent effect by using the frequencies themselves. You just treat the mitochondria themselves with frequencies. I just put a short protocol at the beginning of any protocol I intend to use remotely or use to make an imprint with and I will get those protocols that depend on the microcurrent effect to work (such as doing repair of tissues or increasing secretions) to work when they didn’t before. That makes remote treatments and imprints much more powerful than before. Still, for technical reasons, in-person treatments will always work better.
The only problem I have with giving remote treatments to someone I don’t see in my clinic is getting a proper diagnosis. Since I can’t palpate them to locate where the problem is, I am only guessing at what tissues might be involved and what might be wrong with them. So good communication is even more important.
Now I have discovered another use for a remote treatment setup. And that is making treatment remedies or what is called imprints of protocols. One version is to imprint the protocol on a water/alcohol mixture. This works for shorter protocols of about 80 minutes long. I basically fill 1 ounce dropper bottles with 1/2 filtered water and 1/2 alcohol (I use apricot brandy). The alcohol helps hold the information better (the OH- ions help hold the imprint longer). I place the bottle on the metal plate I run the treatment through. When the protocol is run through the plate (you can even use aluminum foil) the magnetic field that is produced imprints the frequencies on the water/alcohol mixture. Wrapping the bottle in aluminum foil helps extend the magnetic field around the bottle but is not necessary if you lay the bottle on its side. The picture below is the setup I used to try this the first time, trying both with and without the aluminum foil. With the foil definitely works like I thought it would. It turn out that both bottles worked, so you don’t have to wrap the bottle in aluminum foil after all.
Now it seems that just like Bach Remedies, there is a limit on how much information that can be impressed on the liquid. So far, it seems that for FSM, that limit is about 75-80 minute treatments. My most popular FSM Remedy is Relax and Balance which I modify for the individual. You can even run it remotely while making a remedy at the same time. Some treatments are quite long (the one for PTSD runs 135-145 minutes depending on which protocol you use, so a remote treatment is a welcome alternative. I have found out about “Holographic stickers” which have made it possible to imprint even long protocols such as the one for PTSD. All I need to do a remote treatment is a selfie and a description of your condition. You can text or e-mail it to me. You can pay by credit card. So you don’t even have to come in to the clinic.
I charge $35 for a phone consult. I charge $30 for 3 remote treatments a week and $30 to write a custom protocol. You can sign up for them here. All the Protocols (At last count over 141 of them) that come with the Custom Care software can be found in my book “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners” which can be found on Amazon. Including the ones I have made up the count is about 190 from Acne to Wound Healing. Click here to see the list.
Now recently I have discovered something else that I did not expect. If you make a remedy with the person’s picture on the plate too, you will make the remedy work better and faster! Now the first time I did it the first time I was just killing two birds with one stone by giving her a remote instead of in person treatment and making the remedy at the same time. At first I thought she had to be sitting in the chair where I kept the plate under. My thinking was the treatment was interacting with her field which I knew extended several feet around her(but at several feet, would be quite weak. By experimentation, I discovered it was not her field that was the key, it was just the picture! I’ve wracked my brain trying to figure out what might be going on. The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is it’s like getting two treatments at the same time. One remotely, and the other through direct exposure to the drops which works differently (electrically, through the connective tissue).
One last thing that’s worth mentioning. Remote treatments work at any distance just like the theory says. Not only have I done treatments around Seattle where I live, but I have also had success with people on the east coast and Hawaii, and in the Philippines and Japan. I have even treated successfully a person who her doctors couldn’t help her with her Low Back Pain. But I could with only remote treatments.
Another thing I discovered quite by accident is that if you put the patients picture on the plate at the same time as you do the imprint, it will work much better. So now, every time I intend to do a remote treatment or do an imprint, I both use my “mitochondria protocol” at the beggining of a protocol and pot their picture on the plate as well.Since the mitochondria play such an important role in a cells functionthis approach may find a place in even in-person treatments.
#acupuuncture #electroacupuncture #remotetreatments #fsm