Pains of Unknown Origins

pains of unknown origins

The key for treating pains of unknown origins is figuring out what is causing it. However treating the pain itself is also important. Pain is usually associated with inflammation. I have ways of treating inflammation anywhere in the body, which means I can usually help with the pain while I am trying to figure out what is causing it. The first step is locating the problem and determining what tissues are involved. The next step is trying to understand what kind of things could be bothering the tissues involved. And then figuring out how that can be corrected. You never know where the answer may lie. It could be in Western Disease Processes, A Chinese Perspective, or something new. I like to know how things work, so being an engineer gives me a different perspective. I also used to be a handyman and could fix almost anything. I enjoy hard problems. I enjoy the challenge. And I have a good track record of figuring out things that others couldn’t. And I will tell you if I can’t help. I usually can figure out things in 3 or 4 treatments.