
Having had a stroke myself in 2015, I am quite familiar with what it’s like and what worked for me to recover.After you get out of the hospital, the best treatment for you is Scalp Acupuncture. You’ll get the best results right after you get out of the hospital but you’ll still get good results through the first five months after your stroke. The doctor at the first rehab facility wouldn’t let me  do it on myself even though I was licensed and had 26 years experience! So find an acupuncturist that knows scalp acupuncture that will come to you for treatment and if the facility won’t approve it tell them they’re preventing you from getting the best care for your condition and to prepare a release form for you to sign. I wish I had thought of that at the time since I lost six weeks of therapy when it would have done the most good. By treating myself I learned a lot. I knew when I treated other people who had strokes before I had mine and knew that I should find tender points on the scalp, and I did. And when I needled the tender points I found, O got results. That’s not the way we were taught to do it but I found it worked better than the way we were taught! I also discovered that the tender points were also electrically active and could be found with a point locater.  That  knowledge would be useful if the patient can’t talk. I recommend getting treatment as often as you can in the beginning so you will get the most improvement while the acupuncture works well (the first five months). Twice a week minimum and if possible every other day. After five months, you can expect the acupuncture to work less well. I was getting a muscle to wake up or work better every other treatment. At thSo I took what I knew about how acupuncture works and what I knew I could do with electro-acupuncture together and figured out a way to make the scalp acupuncture work again. And it worked! If I hadn’t lost the six weeks of therapy, I probably wouldn’t have needed to figure that out. But now, I’ve learned how to make scalp acupuncture work better and longer which means I can speed recovery and give hope to chronic cases that they can still get better. Now I’ve only treated myself so far and am still recovering. Now I must tell you that after about two years, the acupuncture results will not be as dramatic as the results you’ll get right after you get out of the hospital, but the acupuncture can improve function (buy slower than before), and resistance exercises with PT and OT you can improve strength and range of motion (with work). Nothing woke up on it’s own for me. Only the scalp acupuncture woke up muscles and improved my vision. Now I had my stroke due to high blood pressure. I couldn’t successfully treat myself for that but even the doctors took over one year to get it down to a reasonable rate, and I even had to help them with that! So Western medicine does have it’s place, but they don’t know as much as they think they do.