
One thing noone seems to understand about vaping, not even doctors. Innhaling even steam can be dangerous. That is because the heat from the steam can affect the cells lining the lungs. Heat is a form of energy. When that energy hits the cells and heats them up that causes the DNA of the cells to change the energy of the bonds and thus change the genetic expression of the cell. Generally changing the types of proteins produced by the cell. this is a known phenomena. Putting any type of energy into the system can cause this phenomena. So vaping is NOT harmless. Quite the opposite. Not that many doctors are aware of these facts. But I am an engineer and I do.

How potting energy into a cell can change them

Fot those of you that didn’t understand my last post here is some more information. Putting energy into the system changes the energy in the bonds of the DNA. So when the cell tries to make proteins based on the DNA, the chain will break at a different place than it would normally break, thus producing different proteins. Also, when the cell divides, it will also break the DNA chain differently, causing the cell itself to change. It is a well known phenomena that changing the temperature of a cell’s environment changes the kinds of proteins it will produce (changing genetic expression). And this effect is just from inhaling steam regularly. There will be additional potential problems from the chemicals used. It is just that the vape manufacturers and the FDA aren’t taking this into account when assessing the safety of vaping. Like usual, money over science.
