I have created the website “scienntific-acupuncture.com” That how everything I do as an acupuncturist works in an easy to understand and sensible way. I have yet to receive any arguments against anything. I have also formed the Facebook group “Scientific Acupuncture” where I can answer questions and foster discussion.
Scientific Acupuncture
The style of acupuncture I do I call Scientific Acupuncture because it is based on my knowledge of how acupuncture works scientifically. It is beyond the Western views and the TCM view of how acupuncture works. Because of my background in electrical engineering and my over 30 years in practice and my other interests, I was exposed to research others know nothing about and knew how to put the pieces together into a logical and sensible whole. I did this, know one else. And I have developed treatments based on this knowledge that have proven to work clinically. I have put the how it works in the website “scientific-acupuncture.com”. But if you are an acupuncturist and want to know how to do my treatments, you will have to buy my book “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners” available on Amazon.