Treating Inflammation

Inflammation is usually seen in nerve roots of the spine such as with neck, mid back or low back pain. It can be accompanied by numbness or weakness in the area served by the nerve involved. It can often be seen in carpal tunnel syndrome. Sometimes a doctor will give the diagnosis as “sciatica” even when there is little or no low back pain. Usually in these cases the pain is in the buttocks instead. Sometimes when it is in the back it is not from the nerve roots but from the SI joint instead or in addition to the nerve roots of L4 and/or L5. The doctors don’t care so much about the diagnosis because they will treat it all the same way:with pain killers, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories.But I have to know where the problem is coming from in order to treat it. But if I can’t find the place where the nerve is being irritated, I can always use FSM and treat the entire nerve.

Now with inflamed tendons (called tendonitis) This can be caused by overexertion causing extreme pulling on the tendon causing inflammation or causing the tendon to rub harder where it goes over a bone. Sometimes this is called bursitis where the bursa is between the tendon and the bone. This can be seen in cases of medial or lateral epicondylitis. Tendonitis is most often found where the muscle attaches to the bone where it goes from muscle tissue to a tendon or ligament before it attaches to the piriformis (the leathery covering of the bone). Joints can also become inflamed such as in Rheumatoid Arthritis.Here some part of the joint tissue becomes inflamed. All of the above problems can be easily treated by a special form of electro-acupuncture I developed that works better than cortisone in treating inflammation. It doesn’t hurt like a cortisone shot can and I can do it as many times as needed. I am not limited to three shots in any one area like cortisone is. And if the inflammation is inside of the body like in an organ like the liver or intestines, I can treat it with FSM as well as acupuncture. They work well together since they work through entirely different mechanisms.If yo have any questions or want to set up an appointment, just call me or text me at (206) 850-7999.

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