Until recently, I had never treated corns. All I knew was they were painful. Bu after palpating a couple, I knew I had an effective treatment for them. They gelt squishy on the surface with a hard spot deeper. So I thought inflammation and calcium buildup. Since inflammation can cause calcium deposition, I thought I was on the right track with my diagnosis. So I used my Anti-Inflammation Electro-Acupuncture (AIEAC) treatment on them. Just one needle on both ones I treated on the first treatment.Since they were both between her toes I ran it for 30 minutes on each one. The next day she reported the smallest one had already disappeared. The second one had shrunk in size.A week later she had another treatment and that one disappeared as well. The third visit she showed me a third one that was larger than the other two and was in a harder place to get at. So I treated that one the same way.But being larger, it took three treatments to get rid of it.
Remote Treatments might be a treatment and possibly a preventive treatment for Alzheimer’s
One of my patients that I had previously treated in-person for Alzheimer’s is getting improved brain function with justremote treatments for other problems. The thing is, I now put a treatment for the mitochoondria at the beginning of every remote treatment I do. And that is what is correlating with his improvement! So, it seems that remotr treatments with my modifications can treat Alzheimer’s and is probably a preventive as well. It seems you do not need to do a dedicated in-person treatment, although it might work better/faster. Now you have much better reason to learn how to do remote treatments. You still can not claim a cure, but the next best thing so far.ly a preventive treatment for Alzheimer’s
Treating Inflammation
Inflammation is usually seen in nerve roots of the spine such as with neck, mid back or low back pain. It can be accompanied by numbness or weakness in the area served by the nerve involved. It can often be seen in carpal tunnel syndrome. Sometimes a doctor will give the diagnosis as “sciatica” even when there is little or no low back pain. Usually in these cases the pain is in the buttocks instead. Sometimes when it is in the back it is not from the nerve roots but from the SI joint instead or in addition to the nerve roots of L4 and/or L5. The doctors don’t care so much about the diagnosis because they will treat it all the same way:with pain killers, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories.But I have to know where the problem is coming from in order to treat it. But if I can’t find the place where the nerve is being irritated, I can always use FSM and treat the entire nerve.
Now with inflamed tendons (called tendonitis) This can be caused by overexertion causing extreme pulling on the tendon causing inflammation or causing the tendon to rub harder where it goes over a bone. Sometimes this is called bursitis where the bursa is between the tendon and the bone. This can be seen in cases of medial or lateral epicondylitis. Tendonitis is most often found where the muscle attaches to the bone where it goes from muscle tissue to a tendon or ligament before it attaches to the piriformis (the leathery covering of the bone). Joints can also become inflamed such as in Rheumatoid Arthritis.Here some part of the joint tissue becomes inflamed. All of the above problems can be easily treated by a special form of electro-acupuncture I developed that works better than cortisone in treating inflammation. It doesn’t hurt like a cortisone shot can and I can do it as many times as needed. I am not limited to three shots in any one area like cortisone is. And if the inflammation is inside of the body like in an organ like the liver or intestines, I can treat it with FSM as well as acupuncture. They work well together since they work through entirely different mechanisms.If yo have any questions or want to set up an appointment, just call me or text me at (206) 850-7999.
About Tendons and a Proposed New Treatment
Tendons are piezoelectric. Therefore they mostly see stretching forces which produce a negative charge on their surface. That then triggers a proccess whereby the tendon thickens or fills is slight tears.I have used this natural process to speed up healing of partial tears. But that got me thinking about how tendons stretch to improve range of motion. Then I realized that that must be done through cell division. And I knew, from some work by the Germans, that cell division can be triggered by the frequency of photons released when cells die. This frequency has been determined to be in the 20MHz range which may be why ultrasound has some beneficial effects.But I don’t know anybody who is using this information to improve sports performance or in rehab. A 20MHz signal directed at the tendon should trigger cell division in that area. I don’t have the time to pursue this right now but it seems woorth following up on. It seems to me that the effects would take some time to become noticeable since you are waiting for cells to divide.
Treating Infections with Acupuncture Needles
You can slow or stop the spread of an infection with just acupuncture needles. It is actually very simple. This is especially good for superficial infections. In this case the area where the infection is tends to be hot and red (all signs of heat excess in Chinese medicine). There will typically be a ring of red skin de-marking the area that is infected. So, you just have to needle about a quarter of an inch away from the red area and all around it, with the needles spaced about one inch apart. But why would this do any good? There is actually a very good scientific explanation. And it has to do with electrical charge.
A friend of mine (another acupuncturist) once asked me if my treatment would work for infections too since they are both associated with heat. Off hand, I did not think so, but it got me thinking about it. So, it got me thinking about how a pathogen like a virus or bacteria infects a cell. Then it came to me, the pathogen must first attach to the cell membrane like a lock and key. And that involves charges on the cells and pathogens surface. And with charge, I can mess that up completely. But how was I to get both positive AND negative ions to the area? Then I realized that I could do it with just a needle! So, let’s go over how that happens.
The first part of the question was easy: every time you put an acupuncture needle in the body the free and loosely bound electrons on the surface of the skin go the needle and collect under the skin. The skin naturally holds electrons since the skin has both electrical resistance (resists the flow of electrical current(electrons) and electrical capacitance (can store electrons kind of like a battery). The electrons are attracted to the positive charge that occurs naturally on the underside of the skin. This difference in charge between the surface and underside of the skin has a voltage of as much as 90 mV depending on how charged up the skins capacitance is. This voltage is what drives the current of injury. These electrons become loosely bound to the positive charges under the skin. But the positive charges on the surface of the pathogen are looking for electrons too and have a stronger need for them (I like to think of it as a hunger) than the underside of the skin. So, they fill that part of the “lock” on the pathogens surface. And since there plenty of electrons to go around, everybody is happy. So, we get the electrons from the surface of the skin. But what about the positive ions? Where do we get them from? That is where structured water comes into play. Now it so happens that a typical acupuncture needle is made of surgical stainless steel. I so happens that stainless steel is naturally a hydrophilic surface. And hydrophilic surfaces naturally make structures water one layer at a time on hydrophilic surfaces when exposed to regular water and infrared energy (i.e. heat). And those conditions are met when you stick an acupuncture needle anywhere in the body. And that gets us exactly where we need to go since as a result of making structured water, a hydrogen ion (positively charged) is released into the extracellular fluid. So now we have our source of positive charge. And all from just a needle! So, the positive ions are attracted to the negative charges on the surface of both the pathogen and the cell. Thus, blocking the ability of the pathogen to attach to the cell. The electrons will be the first to act since they are freely available in quantity. The hydrogen ions will be slower to act since they take more time to become available. That is why you must needle all around the infection. Even the depth of insertion can play a role as well as the length of time you leave them in. We are even using the heat produced by the infection against it since heat is what drives the structured water production. And you don’t need to “get Qi” here since all this action has nothing to do with the nervous system. But is OK if you do get Qi, since it will help release endorphins to relieve pain. Maybe this is why we do not hear much about patients getting infections from acupuncture. One other advantage of this method is that it should even work on even antibiotic resistant bacteria.
And if you have a diabetic wound that is not healing, I can fix that too. There is a protocol in Frequency Specific Microcurrent that can heal diabetic wounds and speeds up healing of any wound. I have even modified it to treat the worst case of athletes foot that the doctor had ever seen (all over bottom of both feet). Call me or send me a text at (206)850-7999 for more information or to set up an appointment.
Treating Inflammation with Needles
You can use electrical charge to treat an infection (especially on the skin) by interfering with the pathogen’s ability to attach itself to the membrane of the cell. This can be done easily by simply putting needles around the outside of the infection. The infection usually creates a red ring around the area that is infected so just put needles just outside of the redness. In order to inhibit the pathogen (bacteria or virus) from attaching to the cell (in particular the cell wall) you need to cancel out the charge on the surface of both the cell and the pathogen. An acupuncture needle is the perfect tool to accomplish this. Here is how: When you insert a needle anywhere in the body, two things happen automatically. First, the free electrons on the surface of the skin will go through the needle (and even through the hole after the needle is removed until the current that drives this process is used up). The electrons will gather mostly at the tip of the needle since that is where the electrical field is strongest. Since opposite charges attract and the electrons are free or loosely bound, the electrons will be attracted by the positive charge at both the outside of the cell membrane and the outside of the pathogen’s membrane as well. That takes care of the positive charges that attract them together. The second phenomena that happens is that since the needle is made of surgical stainless steel, the needles surface is thus hydrophilic. Therefore, when it comes in contact with extracellular fluid it will automatically create structured water on its surface driven by the heat (infrared electromagnetic energy). As a part of this process, Hydrogen atoms are released ||(a separation of charge occurs) into the extracellular fluid. These positively charged ions are then attracted to the negative charge on the membranes of both the cell and pathogen. Since by doing thus you provide a way to cancel the charges on both the cell’s membrane and the pathogen’s membrane, you have removed the attractive force necessary for the pathogen to infect the cell. This should be enough to stop the spread of the infection. Even for antibiotic resistant strains. And all without any drugs or their side-effects. This can also explain why acupuncture typically does not lead to infections (but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to use clean needle technique). It just means that why infections from acupuncture are quite rare.
From my upcoming book “Treating With Charge:
A New Way to Use Acupuncture and a New Understanding of Another Way Acupuncture Works”.
Making Remote FSM Treatments and Imprinted things work better.
Remote FSM treatments do not have the effects of microcurrent llike in-person treatments do. That makes a big difference in some treatments. But there is a way you can somewhat do the same thing with frequencies. Just add 49, 81/144 to the treatment. Do the same thing when imprinting stickers. And like I told you before, when imprinting stickers or a water/alcohol mixture, put the patient’s selfie on the metal plate at the same time. That will make it work even better.
Do you have any objections to anything I have written here?
To date I have not received any technical objection to anything I have written. The only criticism I have gotten is “Where is your research?” My answer is:The research was done by others. I am just taking the next step and applying it to acupuncture. My explanations are not that complicated. They are sensible and I have made I have made them into an easily understandable whole.At least for anyone who has a minimal science background and common sense. I certainly don’t have all the answers and see clearly where more research needs to be done. My clinical experiences have only reinforced my opinion that my perspective is correct is correct or my new treatments would not have worked. But they did.My first treatment I developed (anti-inflammation electro-acupuncture) I have been using almost every day for more than 30 years now. It is easy to do, doesn’t take long to do, and works better than cortisone. Like cortisone you have to treat the right spot. My treatment treats a spot around the size of a dime in 15 minutes. It doesn’t hurt like a cortisone shot can and unlike cortisone, you can do it as many times as needed. If the acupuncture community doesn’t start learning my way of treating injuries, I am afraid other Western practitioners will adopt it and it will no longer be ours exclusively.
Imprinting FSM Protocols
In addition to doing Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) I can imprint the treatment onto a water/alcohol mixture and onto holographic stickers. It gives you a way to give yourself a treatment between visits. It also provides you with a way to get a long FSM treatment without having to sit or lye there for hours (the PTSD Protocol is 145 minutes long). Now just like a remote treatment you don’t get the effects of microcurrent (imprinting the frequencies uses the same setup as a remote treatment). In fact you will get a remote treatment when I do an imprint. And putting your picture on the plate when I do an imprint makes it work even better (I found that out by accident). Imprinting on the water/alcohol works best when you don’t want the treatment all day long or before bed. And you can only imprint at most a 80 minute protocol. T he stickers can imprint long protocols and give you constant exposure to the frequencies instead of a “dose”. So, they have a stronger effect. It’s just one more thing I offer my patients that makes my treatments work better.
Now I have found a ay to get the microcurrent effect with frequencies instead of current. And it does work.Just not as strong as in-person treatments for technical reasons.This technique has shown that it can make remote treatments that didn’t work before work with the appropriate changes.Same with the stickers.
Treating Inflammation
Treating inflammation anywhere in the body is easy for me with the tools available to me. About 30 years ago I developed an electro-acupuncture technique that has shown it works better than cortisone. It doesn’t hurt like a cortisone shot can and I can do it as many times as needed. I am not limited to three shots in one area like cortisone. Over the years, I improved the technique to make it work better and avoid the potential problems that can occur if it is done wrong.
I can also use Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) to treat any inflammation anywhere in the body. And it doesn’t use needled and is painless. The microcurrent part of an in person treatment causes the mitochondria of the cells exposed to the current to increase their production of ATP by as much as 500% (It is converted from glucose)! ATP is the molecule the cells use for energy so boosting its production helps the cell do whatever job it needs to do. This is especially important in healing or repair of damaged tissues or secretion of something.
With FSM I also have the capability to make liquid remedies out of the treatment that you can take home and treat yourself. They are only good for treatments under 80 minutes long. Fortunately I can also imprint the frequencies in a treatment on holographic stickers that don’t have the time limit. Also, the stickers provide a constant stimulus instead of a dose dependent effect so they provide a somewhat stronger treatment effect. I have also discovered a way to make the remedies and stickers work even stronger.
Now, an FSM treatment can sometimes take a long time to run (the PTSD treatment takes 2-1/2 hours to run) which makes them perfect for the stickers. I can also have the capacity to do remote treatments. All I need is a selfie and an accurate diagnosis. FSM can treat much more than inflammation but inflammation is one thing it is very good at. And like usual, I can explain exactly how all of this works.
My own anti-inflammation treatment only takes 15 minutes per point and usually only takes 1-3 treatments. Usually you will feel some relief initially after a treatment. You will typically feel even better 2-3 hours after a treatment as the swelling actually goes down. Sometimes you will not notice the additional improvement until the next morning. Some injuries, like plantar fascitis, is uncomfortable to needle so I recommend FSM for that unless you want to get better as fast as possible.
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