Treating Inflammation

I have perfected a form of electro-acupuncture that works as good as cortisone without the downside. In particular, I can do it as many times as needed. I’m not limited to three like cortisone. So if we have trouble finding the right spot(which happens sometimes) it’s no big deal. As with cortisone, you have to get the spot where the inflammation is for it to work. Sometimes the area is large and you need to treat several spots in the same area (my treatment treats an area a little smaller than a dime). I have used it to treat successfully inflamed nerve roots of the spine, inflamed tendons(such as the Achilles tendon, carpal tunnel, medial and lateral epicondylitis, inflamed meniscus in the knee, plantar fascitis, inflamed Sacroiliac joint(common in low back pain),inflamed joints and inflamed attachment of muscle to bone, It will work on any inflammation I can get to with a needle(it should help with rheumatoid arthritis I just haven’t had a patient yet to try it on). Because it doesn’t have the limitations of cortisone and works just as well, you could say it’s better than cortisone. Since I am the one who thought this up and perfected it, no-one else knows how to do it unless I taught it to them. I have taught electro-acupuncture at Bastyr and SIOM where I did include it but of course they don’t have the experience with it like I do. One other thing I should mention, if you have chronic inflammation of thee nerve roots of the spine, you risk getting degeneration in the same area later on. This is because the negative charge associated with inflammation can cause polarization of surrounding tissues (usually the disk) which then causes the degenerative process. Has any doctor told you that? It the same process that the old joint replacements caused because the material they were made of easily became polarized which then caused the problems they had. They just haven’t applied that knowledge elsewhere. Just more proof they don’t know everything.

In addition, I also have a way to treat inflammation inside the body such as in the heart (which can cause an enlarged heart), in the intestines, Prostate etc. Here I use Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) which is not understood by Western medicine but my experience with it is that it does work when applied correctly. It is a form of needless electro-acupuncture and you don’t feel a thing(of course I can MAKE you feel it if you want but it is not necessary).


The true meaning of “jihad”

Jihad is a word who’s meaning has been totally misused and misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It does refer to a battle with an enemy. It’s just not with any one outside yourself. It’s actually referring to a battle within: between the desire within to do “good” or “bad” . It’s referring to that battle within all of us whether to listen to the god in us or the devil within us. We all have free will to listen to and act on our desire to do good or evil. The capacity for both exists in all of us. It’s up to us to choose what kind of person we want to be. It’s the most important battle that we all must fight. This is what Mohamed was trying to express. The extremists have totally taken it to mean something much different and missing the lesson entirely.

The meaning of “Namaste”

“Namaste” is a Sanskrit word that literally means “The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.” It is alternatively translated as “The God (or Light) in me sees the God (or Light) in you. It has a special meaning for me because I I think I know what the God in you and me is. Let me explain. It is said that “we were created in God’s image and likeness”. It has also been said that “God is Love.” I personally believe God is Unconditional Love. That is were grace  comes from. So I believe that the part of us that was created in God’s image and likeness is our desire to be loved and accepted for who we are and our capacity to feel and share love. That is God’s gift to all of us. It is one thing we all have in common. Saying Nmaste is a way to acknowledge this. It is also a sign of respect. that is why I use it as a greeting instead of saying “Hello” or  “Goodbye”. If you agree with me, start using it yourself and explain what you mean if they are not familiar with the word. By doing this, you can do your part to begin healing the divisions in our country.



Free treatments to treat PTSD for sex abuse victims

After watching Mrs. Ford’s testimony today, and seeing how much her experience had affected her, I have decided to treat the PTSD that people suffer from that have similar experiences. I have chosen to do this for two reasons. first, I really do care, especially when it’s so easy for me to help. Second is that it is easy for me to treat PTSD with the tools available to me. It really only costs me time (the treatments take about 3 hours). I have treated two patients with PTSD successfully, and am currently treating another. The treatments may take a long time but they are very relaxing (the patient usually falls asleep). the main treatment utilizes a form of needleless electroacupuncture called Frequency Specific Microcurrent(FSM). Sometimes it helps to add some acupuncture points to help treat specific emotional disturbances. They work well together. I also find Bach Remedies useful sometimes. So the treatments are easy to perform with the main cost is time. I’m already offering free treatments to soldiers suffering from PTSD, and Phantom Limb Pain, and anyone with depression (to keep them from committing suicide). Again, I’m offering to treat them for free because I care especially since those treatments are so easy for me. That’s why I became an acupuncturist: it feels good to help people. And when it’s so easy and inexpensive for me to ease their suffering my choice is simple. I care more about the person suffering than the money. My reward is the feeling I get when I get the thanks for helping them. And I’ll admit I do have an ulterior motive. I’m just starting my practice again after suffering from a stroke. I’m hoping offering free treatments will help me build up my practice again. It also feels good to be able to help people again. In a world where expressions of love are so rare, this is my way to show unconditional love is not dead. I can and do care about you even though I don’t know you. It’s the God in me (my capacity to feel and share love and my desire to be loved and appreciated for who I am) recognizing that is in you too (the meaning of the Sanskrit word “Namaste“). It’s merely my attempt to live that truth. Why should you suffer when you don’t have to? I’m happy to help, especially when it’s so easy to do so. I really have no choice. It’s just the right thing to do.

To Mrs. Ford: I’d  be privileged to help you. I’m sure I can help you get over your traumas, put it behind you and help you find some peace and happiness for the rest of your life. It will only take 4 treatments over two weeks. that’s all it takes to get rid of your nightmares and flashbacks. and you’ll feel much more relaxed after the first visit. I  don’t even have to know the details of your trauma. I just have to know what emotions you are feeling, not the details. And if you are suffering from menopausal symptoms, that’s also something that easy for  me to treat with mild to moderate symptoms disappearing and severe symptoms becoming mild. I can say this because of what I’ve learned over my 28 years in practice. It’s just easy for me now. Trust me, II know what I’m doing. If you don’t believe me, just read the rest of my website!



With all the news today about the prevalence of depression in our society I knew I had to do something. So I’ve decided to offer FREE treatments for depression! I just care more about people suffering from depression than I do about making money. Especially since I have the tools to treat it effectively. I have three tools that can change brain chemistry: Acupuncture, Cranial Electric Stimulation(CES) and a needleless form of electro-acupuncture called Frequency Specific Microstimulation (FSM). I have much experience in treating emotional problems including depression. I want to help when I can.

The Opiate Crisis

As an acupuncturist, I have treated many addictions, including heroin and methadone. In fact, I was trained in a diversion and treatment program in Portland, OR soon after I graduated. In my opinion, Opiate painkillers are too dangerous to be on the market at all. First thing that should be done is to take them off the market. Next comes treatment of those that have become addicted. Acupuncture should be a major part of treatment for one simple reason. That is because taking opiates slows and then stops their natural production in the brain. Acupuncture can stimulate that natural production thus helping with withdrawal symptoms. It can also help with the stress that often accompanies addiction. Of course, acupuncture is not a part of Western medicine. So I don’t expect our government to take advantage of what acupuncture offers. I expect the emphasis will be on more traditional approaches such as Western treatments and drugs. We’ll see. After all, it was Western medicine’s irresponsibility that got us into this mess in the first place. We should require that all other forms of treatment be tried first (including acupuncture) before any prescription for an opiate be allowed! I’m not saying all this just because I’m an acupuncturist, but because I’ve treated them and seen what works. In addition to acupuncture, these people also need some form of counseling to help them deal with the mess their life has become! With the right support, they can get their life back on track to being a productive member of society again. I’ve seen it happen!