The true meaning of “jihad”

Jihad is a word who’s meaning has been totally misused and misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It does refer to a battle with an enemy. It’s just not with any one outside yourself. It’s actually referring to a battle within: between the desire within to do “good” or “bad” . It’s referring to that battle within all of us whether to listen to the god in us or the devil within us. We all have free will to listen to and act on our desire to do good or evil. The capacity for both exists in all of us. It’s up to us to choose what kind of person we want to be. It’s the most important battle that we all must fight. This is what Mohamed was trying to express. The extremists have totally taken it to mean something much different and missing the lesson entirely.

The meaning of “Namaste”

“Namaste” is a Sanskrit word that literally means “The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.” It is alternatively translated as “The God (or Light) in me sees the God (or Light) in you. It has a special meaning for me because I I think I know what the God in you and me is. Let me explain. It is said that “we were created in God’s image and likeness”. It has also been said that “God is Love.” I personally believe God is Unconditional Love. That is were graceĀ  comes from. So I believe that the part of us that was created in God’s image and likeness is our desire to be loved and accepted for who we are and our capacity to feel and share love. That is God’s gift to all of us. It is one thing we all have in common. Saying Nmaste is a way to acknowledge this. It is also a sign of respect. that is why I use it as a greeting instead of saying “Hello” orĀ  “Goodbye”. If you agree with me, start using it yourself and explain what you mean if they are not familiar with the word. By doing this, you can do your part to begin healing the divisions in our country.

