Treating Lung Scarring

Lung scarring is one of the long term symptoms of COVID. It is one of the “long haul” symptoms. I have successfully treated lung and bronchial scarring from a lot of coughing. The same treatment should work for COVID. I use a technology called Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM). It can treat any inflammation in the body, so it can also treat many of the other long haul symptoms. Heart problems from inflammation of the heart, cognitive problems from inflammation of the brain, the inflammation of the capillaries and blood vessels that lead to problems everywhere. And there are acupuncture points that can also help. One calms down inflammation anywhere in the body, which helps with body aches. Another can down regulate the immune system that triggers the inflammatory response. These two points are my primary points for treatment of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. But these functions are not well known in the acupuncture community. I found these functions by accident treating people in my 30 years in practice. But I can also treat the immune system with FSM by treating it for inflammation as well or treating a tissue for an allergy reaction. And if you are scared of needles, FSM doesn’t use needles at all. At most you might feel a slight tingling if that.
