New Treatment

I have developed a treatment for bone-on-bone joints such as a knee or hip. It will avoid joint replacement surgery. the patient can do it themselves at home even while watching TV or sleeping. You don’t even feel it. So far I have only been able to try it on one patient so far but results are very positive so far. She has had a reduction of pain and improved quality of life by being able to do more. Now she has more pain in her other knee which she did have replacement surgery on. Goo figure. The treatment should regrow the meniscus but we have not gotten far enough to tell yet. I know EXACTLY how and why it should work. Doctors think it is impossible. Hogwash! Even if I just get pain relief, the amount of relief I have gotten so far still can avoid the need for surgery! That is a big deal. And it wasn’t a doctor or scientist who came up with it. Just an acupuncturist who is also an electrical engineer! Me. With my interests and background, I was able to put the pieces together to make it work. And so far it has exceeded expectations.

#bone-on-bone #jointpain #jointreplacmentsurgery, #kneepain #hippain #electroacupuncture