Bone-on-Bone Joint Treatment

I have been working on a treatment for bone-on-bone joints. I think I have figured out how to regrow a meniscus (knee) and avoid an expensive joint replacement surgery. I know all the science on how it can be done. It is not that complicated. You just have to know what I know.

Well, my bone-on-bone knee joint patient is still doing well. No pain at all unless she stands a long time or rides her exercise bike. Even then she recovers fast. It looks like we are re-growing the meniscus and providing cushion to the joint. She tried it on her other knee (replaced) and did not get any relief, so it is not causing a release of endorphins or it would have helped the other knee. And we grew enough cushion in 90 minutes (the first treatment) to get significant pain relief. Now it is the knee she had replaced that causes her the most pain. It appears there is inflammation around the kneecap. So I am starting to treat that too. It is very rewarding to see another of my treatments work even better than expected. I am just applying my engineering training to induce a phenomena that occurs naturally in the body under the right circumstances. And coming up with a better solution to an expensive problem. And do it at 40 times less money. And doctors think this is impossible, hogwash! They would rather have you undergo a $20,000 surgery! I can regrow the cushion in weeks! And you can do it at home while watching TV! Isn’t that a better solution? And it took an acupuncturist/engineer to figure it out.

She is still improving. I’ve had to make some adjustments to the treatment but they are helping. She is able to do more that she couldn’t do before. I anticipated I would have to make adjustments to the treatment and I was right. Just fine tuning the technique. After all, I am doing the impossible according to doctors. But they don’t know what I know. They are not as smart as they think they are.

#boneonbone #boneonbonejoint #electroacupuncture #jointpain
