Remote Treatments

With Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) which is a needless form of electro-acupuncture there is a way to do treatments remotely. You heard right, you don’t even have to come in the clinic to get a treatment! How it works is explained by a phenomenon in quantum physics called “Entanglement”. When two particles are entangled, what happens to one happens to the other instantly, no matter the distance. Sounds crazy, right? But I have been doing it for about a month now and it does seem to be working. I have even been treating dogs and it seems to be working! One was diagnosed by the vet as having colitis. So I made a protocol to treat it and after running it twice I heard the dog was doing better. Another dog was having breathing problems. Again, after running the protocol I made twice the dog was doing better!

Now one human patient I treated was a runner and had pulled his quad moscle on one leg and also had an inflamed tendon at the attachment at the tibia. So I modified the Pulled Muscle protocol to deal with the inflamed tendon and ran it once in the clinic. I ran it again remotely the next day. The third day I got a phone call to schedule another appointment and was told that his quad was doing much better but he was now suffering from pain in his shins that they didn’t mention before. So we scheduled another appointment for two days later. Unbeknownst to him I ran the acute shin splints protocol that evening. I got a call the next day to reschedule since he was feeling much better. Another patient had one of her knee jounts replaced and still was having pain in it. It felt very warm around her kneecap but I was having little effect on it with acupuncture or electro-acupuncture. It was just too widespread. So I thought FSM might be a better option. So I made up a Protocol for it. Since she couldn’t come in for a couple of weeks, I ran it remotely instead. When she finally came intoo the clinic again, Her knee felt almost normal for the first time in months and didn’t hurt as much either! So not only does it work but I must know what I am doing writing my own protocols or modifying existing ones. All I need to do a remote treatment is a good picture of the patient’s face and a good understanding of what’s wrong. Enough to knowwhat tissue types are involved and what is wrong with it. For example an inflamed nerve or tendon. There are frequencies for most tissue types and most conditions they may be suffering from. So in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, FSM can treat many conditions. Even conditions I have never even heard of, I gust google it to learn what I need to know to write a protocol, and so far it has worked to at least help.

I charge $35 for a phone consult. I charge $30 for 2 remote treatments a wek and $30 to write a custom protocol. All the Protocols (At last count over 141 of them) that come with the Custom Care software can be found in my book “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners” which can be found on Amazon.

#acupuncture #electroacupuncture # #fsm #remotetreatments
