Scientific Acupuncture

The style of acupuncture I do I call Scientific Acupuncture because it is based on my knowledge of how acupuncture works scientifically. It is beyond the Western views and the TCM view of how acupuncture works. Because of my background in electrical engineering and my over 30 years in practice and my other interests, I was exposed to research others know nothing about and knew how to put the pieces together into a logical and sensible whole. I did this, know one else. And I have developed treatments based on this knowledge that have proven to work clinically. I have put the how it works in the website “”. But if you are an acupuncturist and want to know how to do my treatments, you will have to buy my book “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners” available on Amazon.

Do you have a goiter?

I have a way to get rid of it rather quickly. I haven’t had a chance to try it myself so I am willing to treat my first patient for free.And I don’t even have to use needles!

Bone-on-Bone Joint Treatment

I have been working on a treatment for bone-on-bone joints. I think I have figured out how to regrow a meniscus (knee) and avoid an expensive joint replacement surgery. I know all the science on how it can be done. It is not that complicated. You just have to know what I know.

Well, my bone-on-bone knee joint patient is still doing well. No pain at all unless she stands a long time or rides her exercise bike. Even then she recovers fast. It looks like we are re-growing the meniscus and providing cushion to the joint. She tried it on her other knee (replaced) and did not get any relief, so it is not causing a release of endorphins or it would have helped the other knee. And we grew enough cushion in 90 minutes (the first treatment) to get significant pain relief. Now it is the knee she had replaced that causes her the most pain. It appears there is inflammation around the kneecap. So I am starting to treat that too. It is very rewarding to see another of my treatments work even better than expected. I am just applying my engineering training to induce a phenomena that occurs naturally in the body under the right circumstances. And coming up with a better solution to an expensive problem. And do it at 40 times less money. And doctors think this is impossible, hogwash! They would rather have you undergo a $20,000 surgery! I can regrow the cushion in weeks! And you can do it at home while watching TV! Isn’t that a better solution? And it took an acupuncturist/engineer to figure it out.

She is still improving. I’ve had to make some adjustments to the treatment but they are helping. She is able to do more that she couldn’t do before. I anticipated I would have to make adjustments to the treatment and I was right. Just fine tuning the technique. After all, I am doing the impossible according to doctors. But they don’t know what I know. They are not as smart as they think they are.

#boneonbone #boneonbonejoint #electroacupuncture #jointpain

New Treatment

I have developed a treatment for bone-on-bone joints such as a knee or hip. It will avoid joint replacement surgery. the patient can do it themselves at home even while watching TV or sleeping. You don’t even feel it. So far I have only been able to try it on one patient so far but results are very positive so far. She has had a reduction of pain and improved quality of life by being able to do more. Now she has more pain in her other knee which she did have replacement surgery on. Goo figure. The treatment should regrow the meniscus but we have not gotten far enough to tell yet. I know EXACTLY how and why it should work. Doctors think it is impossible. Hogwash! Even if I just get pain relief, the amount of relief I have gotten so far still can avoid the need for surgery! That is a big deal. And it wasn’t a doctor or scientist who came up with it. Just an acupuncturist who is also an electrical engineer! Me. With my interests and background, I was able to put the pieces together to make it work. And so far it has exceeded expectations.

#bone-on-bone #jointpain #jointreplacmentsurgery, #kneepain #hippain #electroacupuncture

Treating Pain

If you are suffering from pain and your doctor is recommending opiates, there are other options. Acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and Frequenct SSpecific Microcurrent (FSM) to name a few. Most people and practitioners haven’t even heard of FSM. Yet it can treat some things that ar hard to treat otherwise suchh as Shingles an Post Herpetic Neuralgia. With electro-acupuncture and FSM, I can treat inflammation anywhere in the body. Most chronic conditions have inflammation at its core. Same with the long haul symptoms of COVID.

And if you are already addicted on opiates, acupuncture is one of the best treatments. That is because acupuncture and electro-acupuncture can stimulate the natural production of esndorphins and help with the emotional problems tthat come with all addictions.

#acupuncture #electroacupuncture #fsm #painmanagement

Scientific Acupuncture

That is the name I have given to the kind of acupuncture I do. Since I can explain ho almost I do as an acupuncturist works scientifically. If you are interested in that I have created a new website to explain all of that. It is “”. It goes along with my book “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners” (Available on Amazon). With these actions it is my goal to make acupuncture a true science in peoples eyes and bring it into the 21st century. Because it is for me. Scientific acupuncture goes beyond classical acupuncture or TCM, and is more than “Modern acupuncture” or “Medical acupuncture”. My treatment techniques are based on the science of HOW IT WORKS and not just on research that shows that classical acupuncture really does work. Because My way of doing things is based on how it works, so my way makes it work better and more reliably. I also have more techniques based on that knowledge that work and allows me to treat more things or treat then faster.

Treating Lung Scarring

Lung scarring is one of the long term symptoms of COVID. It is one of the “long haul” symptoms. I have successfully treated lung and bronchial scarring from a lot of coughing. The same treatment should work for COVID. I use a technology called Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM). It can treat any inflammation in the body, so it can also treat many of the other long haul symptoms. Heart problems from inflammation of the heart, cognitive problems from inflammation of the brain, the inflammation of the capillaries and blood vessels that lead to problems everywhere. And there are acupuncture points that can also help. One calms down inflammation anywhere in the body, which helps with body aches. Another can down regulate the immune system that triggers the inflammatory response. These two points are my primary points for treatment of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. But these functions are not well known in the acupuncture community. I found these functions by accident treating people in my 30 years in practice. But I can also treat the immune system with FSM by treating it for inflammation as well or treating a tissue for an allergy reaction. And if you are scared of needles, FSM doesn’t use needles at all. At most you might feel a slight tingling if that.



Sciatica is a fairly common diagnosis for Low Back Pain. It should describe low back pain due to irritation to low back nerve roots (usually those between L3and L4 and between L4 and L5. Unfortunately doctors usually don’t take the time to palpate the low back to confirm their diagnosis. Why do I say that? Because I have seen many patients with that diagnosis that had no low back pain! Their pain was in their butt. Too treat someone I need to know exactly what the problem is or at least exactly where it is. With a sciatica diagnosis, I often don’t get the information I need just by the diagnosis. I have to figure it out on my own by palpating to find where the pain is. When the pain is in the back, it usually is coming from L4 and L5 nerve roots (although it sometimes also can involve nerve roots farther up the back) and usually also from the SI (Sacroiliac Joint, where the weight from the trunk transfers to the hips). At these points there is inflammation. This is best treated by a method I invented that works like a cortisone shot but uses electricity instead of chemistry and doesn’t have the limitations of cortisone – I can do it as much as needed. Usually there will be initial pain relief and then 2-3 hours later, as the inflammation goes down, more pain relief. And it usually only takes 1-3 treatments to get rid of the inflammation. And getting rid of the inflammation is important because if it is not adequately treated, over time it can cause a degenerative process in the adjacent disk. Doctors won’t tell you that because they don’t know the cause. It is a basic electrical phenomena. Basically inflammation is negatively charged. Like charges repel each other so the negative charge at the inflamed nerve root causes the electrons at the nearby disk to be pushed away causing the part of the disk nearest the nerve root to become positively charged. The electrons are what holds the molecules together so the lack of electrons causes that side of the disk to begin to fall apart or degenerate. A sign that that process has begun is tenderness at the disk. I always palpate for this because it is easily treated and stopped. I’m not sure if I can repair the damage that has already been done but I do have techniques I can try that might help. At the very least it would help treat any chronic pain that might persist.

Now if the pain is in the butt, there are several location that it usually shows up at. The butt pain usually appears later and is a result of the low back pain causing the upper band of the Gluteus Maximus muscle to get tight. This then pulls on the attachments at the sacrum and the great trochanter which then get inflamed and tender. My anti-inflammation treatment works great here too.

Another place you can get butt pain is at the piriformis muscle. Since it lies directly above your hip joint. So it can be confused with hip pain. You can tell the difference by palpation. If it is the piriformis muscle, the attachments will be tender also. The treatment here is to treat the inflammation at the attachments and to needle the belly of the muscle to relax it. I also use a frequency for the inflammation treatment that also helps relax the muscle and stimulate the release of endorphins which helps with the pain as well.

Occasionally true sciatica will cause the low back muscles to get tight as well. This will cause pain and inflammation at the attachments. Again I treat the attachments and relax the muscle. Here though the upper attachment is at the floating (12th) rib. So we also have to look at the attachment of the rib to the vertebrae and at the end of the rib to see if those areas are also irritated and may need treatment also.