Imprinted Holographic Stickers


I can imprint an FSM protocol on a holographic sticker. And you don’t even have to stick it on you. It only has to be inside the magnetic field of your body (within about two feet).  It is done using the same setup as a remote treatment so has the same limitations (no boost to ATP production), so you will just get the effects of the frequencies. I need a selfie of the patient to make the imprinting work even better. You will get two stickers with the same protocol imprinted and a little pouch to hold it in.  Emotional problems work the best since they seem don’t seem to depend on ATP for their effects. Also, instead of getting the frequencies two at a time, you get them all at once and all the time so it works somewhat better than a remote treatment.

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I can imprint an FSM protocol on a holographic sticker. And you don’t even have to stick it on you. It only has to be inside the magnetic field of your body(within about two feet).  It is done using the same setup as a remote treatment so has the same limitations (no boost to ATP production due to microcurrent), so you will just get the effects of the frequencies. But I can get some of the same effects from using the frequency for the mitochondria along with the frequency for increasing secretions along with some others. I need a selfie of the patient to make the imprinting work even better. You will get two stickers with the same protocol imprinted and a little pouch to hold it in.  I suggest cutting them apart and putting one in a safe place in case you lose the one you are using or it gets ruined in the wash. Emotional problems work the best since they seem don’t seem to depend on ATP for their effects. Also, instead of getting the frequencies two at a time, you get them all at once and all the time so it works somewhat better than a remote treatment. Adding the frequency combinations for the mitochondria at the beginning of the treatment does seem to help treatments work better.. Especially those that depend on ATP for their best effect. And since Alzheimer’s is due to problems with ATP in the brain, this addition to the treatment will help prevent it too. I have treated both acute and cronic Alzheimer’s and both responded with the first treatment.


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