Biotoxins and COVID-19

Why COVID-19 affects the Blood Vessels

Biotoxicns from the COVID-19 virus can cause release of cytokines in the immune system’s response to the virus. This causes the inflammatory response seen in COVID-19 as well as also can cause endothelial cells that line the blood vessels to release the “glues” that hold the lining of the blood vessels in place. Instead they bind to the white blood cells and hold them in place at the receptor site. This creates blockages in the capillaries disrupting normal blood flow. This then causes the tissues downstream to not get enough oxygen and to not get rid of the toxins of metabolism to be efficiently removed. This then leads to the symptoms of fatigue and achy pains (muscle tissue affected) or burning pains (nerve tissue affected). It can also disrupt normal function of tissues. Since the capillaries are located in every tissue of the body, this can be one mechanism that causes the virus to affect so many systems of the body. And if the patient is unfortunate enough to genetically not produce the antibody to deal with the virus (which is why some do OK and others do not) the release of cytokines is uncontrolled and then leads to serious chronic illness. Most physicians don’t know about these processes because it is more in the realm of treating multi-allergy or multi-sensitivity patients such as from mold toxicity. The biochemistry is well understood but not widely known. I am just good at seeing relationships others don’t see, usually because of my unique knowledge base. Here I see the connection between the unusual sympptoms seen in COVID-19 and the phenomena commonly seen in mold toxicity and Epstein-Barr(another virus) infections. With mold toxicity, about 1/4 of the population genetically can’t produce the antibiodys to fight off the mold. Which leads to chronic illness. The same might be happening with COVID-19. Which would explain why some do fine and others have real trouble.

Treating “Long Haul” COVID-19 Symptoms

People who get the COVID-19 virus get symptoms that can last for months. Many of these problems I know how to treat with either acupuncture or with Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM, a needle-less form of electro-acupuncture). So let’s go over them and how I would treat them.


I see this similar to Chronic Fatigue. I have found that two points in particular help. Lung 1 strengthens the lungs and improves energy. It also moistens the lungs so helps with a non-productive cough as well. Du 20 raises the yang which also helps with energy. Low energy typically causes pain as well. Large Intestine 11 clears heat which translates to treating infections and inflammation in Western medicine. I have found it useful in treating inflammation in the whole body and helps treat body aches.

Shortness of breath, scarring in the lungs and bronchials

Shortness of breath can be due to inflamed bronchials or scarring. The two points mentioned above help but FSM is capable of treating the scarring as well as inflammation.

Dry Cough

Lung 1 and Large Intestine 11 are again indicated. There is also a Chinese cough syrup that helps a lot. It has Fritillaria which clears heat (heat dries out the lungs), loquat which moistens, in a honey base which coats the throat. If you take it too long, your cough will go away then come back as a productive cough.

Irritation and inflammation of the blood vessels

This is one of the effects of the virus that makes it so dangerous and capable of effecting anywhere in the body. This usually causes inflammation of the organ/tissues affected. FSM can treat the blood vessels and can treat inflammation anywhere in the body. This includes the heart, kidneys, the blood vessels themselves and the brain. So it can treat symptoms of muddled thinking, and trouble with the heart or kidneys. And pretty much any other tissues or organs that might be affected. This is also what is seen in mold toxicity and it is possible that the virus is producing toxins that act the sane way. So treating the toxins the same way might be beneficial. Basically you take substances that bind the toxins in the intestines so they don’t get reabsorbed. Typical over the counter products used are activated charcoal and Bentonite clay.

Overactive Immune System

This is a reaction of the body to the virus that causes the inflammation in the lungs initially and probably in the blood vessels as well. Lung 1 as the additional function of regulating the immune response of the body. It has been my experience that an overactive immune response is caused by lung weakness that is indicated by a weak lung pulse. Lung 1 does a good job of bringing the immune system back into balance in these cases. Occasionally you will get a patient that has an excess pulse. This is usually caused by or indicates heat in the lungs or Large Intestines (infection or inflammation). This pattern is treated by needling Large Intestine 4 and 11. FSM can also be used to help treat the inflammation. Herbs can also be used to help treat a lung infection.

So, you see, I can do much to treat COVID-19. Not a cure but maybe the next best thing. I just haven’t had a chance to try it yet. But all these treatments I have done before to treat similar things. So I know they do work.

So you see Lung 1 can be of great use in preventing the problems that come from an overactive immune system which causes most of the problems that the virus can cause. FSM can be of great value in treating the inflammation that is often seen in COVID-19. So since I know how to do these things (I am just about the only acupuncturist in Puget Sound that does FSM) I can both prevent long haul problems and treat them as well. There is also a Chinese patent formula that has antivirals in it and id used to treat the common colds and flues. There is also a formula the has both antivirals and antibacterials and is normally used to treat pneumonia. These may be useful as well. I use both together to treat a flu and it usually only lasts 4 days. I am not claiming a cure. Far from it. I just know things the should help a lot. I just haven’t had a chance to try it yet. But the effects I talk about I have done with other patients. So I know they work.



When I graduated and started treating people I found that the treatments I was taught or found in books didn’t work very wall if at all. Even the patent herb formulas didn’t work. So I decided to figure it out myself using palpation to find additional points that might help. And I found three points (and one in particular that wasn’t in any of the books but if you new what it’s functions were it made perfect sense it might help). And when I used just those 3 points, the treatment usually worked great. Only sometimes I needed to add additional points to treat particular out of balance emotions. Mild to moderate symptoms would disappear and severe symptoms would become mild. And it would only take a few treatments. That proves the value of palpation. The only time it doesn’t work is if they have had a hysterectomy. If the ovaries have been removed, it will not work. Otherwise it works great.

Book Release

My first book is now available for purchase. You can order it from the publisher at Go to “Bookstore”. You will find it under “New releases”. The title is “Electro-Acupuncture for Practitioners”. You can also find it on Amazon. It is also available in e-book fom Amazon or the Publisher.

Treating COVID-19

I do not claim to have a cure. But from what I have heard on the news about it, I do know some things that might help. Again, not a cure. So let me just tell you what I have heard and how specifically I could help.

First and most importantly, is the inflammation in the lungs that causes the lungs not to work that well which then causes the blood oxygen levels to go down. Then the patient has to go on oxygen and possibly a ventilator it it gets bad. There are acupuncture points whose classical function is to clear heat, especially out of the lungs and large intestines. Heat in Chinese medicine relates to infection or inflammation in Western medicine. There also is a point that strengthens the lungs so they can work better. Now I also use FSM in my clinic and there are frequencies that can be used to treat inflammation in the lungs directly. Now I have also heard that the inflammation is often caused by an overactive immune system. Well it so happens that the same point that strengthens the lungs also down regulates an overactive immune system. It also upregulates a deficient immune system. Unfortunately most acupuncturists don’t know that little tidbit. And if their immune system is weak, there are ways with both acupuncture ans FSM to strengthen it. And I have also heard that even if you get over it you might be left with scarring on the lungs. FSM can be used to treat that too. Now if you have been diagnosed you probably are quite stressed out over it. And that is the easiest thing to treat. In fact I am offering free treatments to our front line workers to treat their stress. I even have an effective treatment for PTSD. There is even herb formulas that have antiviral herbs that do work for normal flu viruses. One formula also has anti-bacterial herbs to help with pneumonia. So you see, there is a lot I can do to help but not a cure.

How I run my clinic in the age of COVID-19

Before any patient arrives, I disinfect any surface they might touch such as door handles, bathroom fixtures and the like. I wear a surgical mask for patients without symptoms and I have a respirator for those that do. I ask my patients to wear a mask if they have one and I can give them one if they don’t. I take everyone’s temperature. Of course I wash my hands regularly with soap and water and use hand sanitizer as well. I would wear a glove but I have only one hand that works (from a stroke) and it is impossible to put a glove on my good hand by myself. I can do acupuncture with one hand, I’m just a little slower. I have an ozone and ion air cleaner I can use as well. It forces any water droplets to fall to the ground. I disinfect all the surfaces between patients as well. I am not that busy during this crisis so it is not that hard to do.

Treating Inflammation


I have two ways to treat inflammation anywhere in the body from nerves, tendons to various organs like the liver, heart, or the intestines. Even the brain.  So I can treat just  about any disease that involves inflammation . I use two technologies, one I developed and perfected so I am the only one who knows how to do it and knows how it works. The second one I did not develop but I am the only acupuncturist that both knows about it and has both the knowledge and the equipment to do it. Mine uses needles but takes less time to do and usually takes less treatments. The other one doesn’t use needles at all and you won’t even feel it usually. Some conditions I can use both at the same time speeding recovery even more.

What I can treat

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis has inflammation as its main characteristic, causing the joints to become red, hot and swollen as well as causing the eventual deterioration of the joint. My recommended treatment is to use my technique on the most painful points and the other technique (called Frequency Specific Microcurrent or FSM)to treat the rest of the body. Getting rid of the inflammation will stop to pain and the deterioration of the joint.

Spine Pain

Spine pain usually involves inflamed nerve roots and sometimes inflamed SI joint(s) and/or inflamed attachments of   muscle to bone.  Either approach can treat these but mine definite works faster. If you also have an inflamed spinal cord (say from a protruding disk) and possible degenerative disk or damaged disk, I have treatments for them too. I can also relax tight muscles.

Inflamed Tendons

Such as Lateral or medial spondylosis, inflamed meniscus etc. All these or things like them are easily treated with my treatment. I also have invented a way to treat partially torn tendons, ligaments, meniscus, labrum, etc. without surgery.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This is inflammation of the median nerve in the wrist. This is also easy for me to treat. The problem some practitioners is finding all the areas of irritation. Sometimes it is above and/or below the usual spot.

Chron’s Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These both involves inflammation of the intestines. This is best treated with a combination of acupuncture and FSM. The FSM treats the inflammation while the acupuncture treats the muscle spasms that usually accompanies the inflammation. Both reduce pain.

Books I’m writing

I’v found a publisher for my first book titled “Electro-acupuncture for Practitioners” has been published and can be found on Amazon. . The book I have started will be about ho I treat many conditions. The third book is on my experience treating myself with scalp acupuncture for a stroke I had in 2015. I am also writing two books that have nothing to do with acupuncture. One is sci-fi and the other a cookbook. a


One thing noone seems to understand about vaping, not even doctors. Innhaling even steam can be dangerous. That is because the heat from the steam can affect the cells lining the lungs. Heat is a form of energy. When that energy hits the cells and heats them up that causes the DNA of the cells to change the energy of the bonds and thus change the genetic expression of the cell. Generally changing the types of proteins produced by the cell. this is a known phenomena. Putting any type of energy into the system can cause this phenomena. So vaping is NOT harmless. Quite the opposite. Not that many doctors are aware of these facts. But I am an engineer and I do.

How potting energy into a cell can change them

Fot those of you that didn’t understand my last post here is some more information. Putting energy into the system changes the energy in the bonds of the DNA. So when the cell tries to make proteins based on the DNA, the chain will break at a different place than it would normally break, thus producing different proteins. Also, when the cell divides, it will also break the DNA chain differently, causing the cell itself to change. It is a well known phenomena that changing the temperature of a cell’s environment changes the kinds of proteins it will produce (changing genetic expression). And this effect is just from inhaling steam regularly. There will be additional potential problems from the chemicals used. It is just that the vape manufacturers and the FDA aren’t taking this into account when assessing the safety of vaping. Like usual, money over science.

Participate in Research Projects

Participate in Research Projects

I have decided to do my own research projects to demonstrate my antiinflammation treatment’s effectiveness in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) as well as in Chronic Low Back Pain(CLBP). In order to get patients to participate, I will offer $10 treatments in order to cover the cost of supplies. For LBP patients, I require a radiologist’s report of X-rays, CT scan or MRI. For RA patients I just need proof of the diagnosis by an MD. I also require every patient to agree to come in for checkups 3, 6 and 12 months to document how long the treatments last. I let your body tell us how often you need to be treated. I have found that twice a week works best to start. That allows the treatment effect to build up. Some conditions require more frequent treatments. For example, treatment of opiate addiction requires twice a day treatment for the first day or two to help with the initial withdrawal symptoms. Once the improvement maintains itself without any backsliding, I know I can stretch out the treatments. from twice a week to once a week to once every two weeks to once a month. At this point the treatments will probably hold without further treatment, so I recommend coming in only if things act up again. For every patient, I will also need to know what treatments you’ve tried or are currently undergoing. Sometimes the best results are obtained by using both Western and Eastern treatments. Fortunately, acupuncture is compatible with most any other treatment. If you want to know more about me and my clinic visit my website at If you already want to participate call me at 206-850-7999 to set up an appointment.

Treating Chronic Low Back Pain(CLBP)

Many of the sources of pain in CLBP are the same as in the acute phase especially if they were not adequately treated in the first place. These are mostly from inflammation in nerve roots, attachment of muscle to bone and an inflamed Sacro-Iliac(SI) joint. The chronic inflammation causes it’s own set of problems which then show up later so  are often seen in the chronic cases. Pain causes muscles to get tight which then causes the attachments to get inflamed and painful. Chronic inflammation also can cause polarization of nearby tissues (usually the disk) which then causes a degenerative process to begin. I can stop the degenerative process but cannot repair the damage that has already occurred. In most of these cases my antiinflammation treatment be effectively used to treat them. Now if the disk is ruptured or severely herniated, surgery is probably the only solution. But I can treat the inflamed nerve roots. If there is pain ad the disk, it is probably degenerative in old folks.  In younger patients, it can be due to cracks in the disk which allow the liquid inside to leak out and injure the nerve. I have a treatment for that. Usually the back, chronic cases develop pain in the buttocks that can simulate sciatica and is often diagnosed as such even though it isn’t. It is actually because of pain causing a band of the Gluteus Maximus muscle to get tight. Acupuncture and electro-acupuncture are good at relaxing tight muscles. CLBP can also be caused from a poorly healed break. Or a break that wasn’t caught on X-rays, etc. So if the pain is actually on the vertebrae,  then I do a treatment that can cause the bone to heal. So if you have CLBP, I have the tools and knowledge that can in most cases help.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)

RA is a difficult to treat ailment in Western medicine. It is understood that the condition is due to inflammation but the drugs for treatment of RA often have side effects or don’t work at all. Whereas, my treatment has worked every time I used it properly and has no side effects except possibly making you more relaxed due to the stimulation of release of endorphins.(which also helps with the pain). I will generally be working on the most painful points first which can change with each treatment. I cannot treat every place you hurt in one treatment because your body cannot take that kind of treatment but by also stimulating the release of endorphins, I should be able to relieve overall pain. Since my treatment stops inflammation, it can not only treat the pain but also stop the damage to the joint. However it cannot repair the damage that has already been done. Most people don’t think of acupuncture to treat RA but my new method works much better in treating inflammation than regular acupuncture or electro-acupuncture. Not only does it work, but I know exactly why it works, understand the potential problems with the method if done wrong and have perfected it. So if you have RA, I know I can help.

Repairing torn tendons, etc.

I can repair partially torn tendons, menisci, labrum, ligaments with a specialized form of electro-acupuncture. That can fill in the tear and strengthen the tendon, etc. It works best with tears less than 50%. The same technique can be used to speed repair of broken bones. It works through processes that have been observed in the body occurring naturally. I just use technology to simulate it. And the frequencies I use also stimulate the release of endorphins to block pain.