I can treat the COVID long haul symptoms. I can get rid of the scarring of the lungs, and can treat inflammation anywhere in the body. I can also down regulate the immune system which causes the inflammation. I use both acupuncture and FSM. The inflammation causes most of the problems. The overactive immune response causes the problems in the blood vessels and since they are everywhere that is why you can have problems anywhere.
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture and Oriental medicine’s ability to treat over 200 commonly encountered clinical disorders. This is because one of the major mechanisms that acupuncture works through is the autonomic nervous system which controls almost all the functions of the body. You just have to know what points control what. Only acupuncturists are taught this.
In addition to the many conditions listed below, I probably can treat other conditions not listed or even those I haven’t even heard of. With the tools available to me and my unique knowledge I can treat or at least help almost anything. Difficult cases are fun to me. I love challenges. If you have questions, just contact me through the “Contact Me” page or call me at 206-850-7999, and tell me what is going on and I will tell you if I might be able to help and how. Also, this list is a work in progress. I am always learning how to treat things I hadn’t encountered before. And discovering new ways to treat things.
The conditions I have treated or know how to treat:
Gastrointestinal Disorders, such as Food Allergies, Ulcers, Constipation and Diarrhea, Spastic Colon, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Polyps, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Indigestion, gastritis, Gallstones, esophageal reflux, gastrointestinal weakness, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, anorexia, and Abdominal Pain.
Urogenital Disorders, such as Stress Incontinence, Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), Kidney Stones, Kidney Stone Pain, and Sexual Dysfunction.
Gynecological Disorders, such as Irregular, Heavy, or Painful Menstruation, and Infertility in women and men, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Uterine Prolapse, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Breast Health, and Menopausal Symptoms.
Respiratory Disorders, such as Asthma, Allergies, Emphysema, Bronchitis, Bronchial or Lung Scarring, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Laryngitis, and Common Colds and flues, Sore Throat, Stuffy sinuses.
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system such as speeding healing of broken bones, Diabetic wounds that aren’t healing, weak or spastic muscles, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, Knee Pain, trigeminal neuralgia, Shin Splints, Inflamed Tendons, etc. or partially torn tendons, menisci, labrum etc., bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TMJ Pain, Restless leg syndrome, Gout, spinal pain (cervical, thoracic, low back or butt pain), Sciatica, Inflamed painful joints, Multi Focal Trigger Pain (MFTP), Shingles, Fibromyalgia, and pains of unknown origins.
Eye Diseases such as Cataracts and Macular Degeneration, Wet Eyes or Dry Eyes.
Emotional and Psychological Disorders, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other Mental Disorders.
Disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Neuralgias, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Trigeminal Neuralgia (or TMJ), Migraines and other Headaches, Restless Leg Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussions, Strokes, Numbness, Tremors, Inflamed Nerves, Shingles, and Alzheimer’s. I also have a treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease and ALS Lou Gerig’s Disease)
Problems with the Cardiovascular System such as, Raynaud’s Disease (Cold hands and feet), Frostbite, , angina pectoris, lymphedema, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arteriosclerosis (too much blood fats).
Skin Disordeers such as Skin Tags, Corns.
Endocrine Disorders such as Hyper Thyroid, Hypo Thyroid, Inflamed thyroid, Overactive Adrenals, Adrenal Exhaustion, Goiter, Pituitary Problems
Addictions, such as alcohol; nicotine, food, and many kinds of drugs such as cocaine, Opiates(heroin, painkillers) etc.
Skin Disorders such as Skin Tags, Soft Tissue Wounds, Acne, Athletes Foot, Skin Rashes, Allergic or Inflammatory reactions on the skin.
Many Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders.
Supportive therapy for many other Chronic and Painful Debilitating Disorders such as Mold Toxicity.
Speed healing and speed recovery from surgeries and getting rid of swelling and bruising to lessening bleeding during surgery to lessening pain after surgery. This includes broken bones, Hip Surgery, Breast Surgeries, spine surgery, Low Back Surgery, Foot Surgery, hernia surgery, Knee Surgery, Sinus Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Hysterectomies, shoulder surgery, and Oral Surgeries, Soft Tissue Injuries,
We also haven’t talked about Preventative Medicine/Anti-Aging Treatments. There is a FSM Treatment for anti-aging skin that is used for the face and neck. It gets rid of inflammation and improves the health and functioning of the cells. I have recently learned microneedling which is a form of cosmetic acupuncture that has a lot of research to back it up.It uses similar methods that lasers or chemical peels use (using the self repair mechanisms of the skin to rejuvenate the skin but is much less painful and costs much less too.I incorporate red light therapy and can add aroma therapy to make it a much more effective and pleasant experience. Since inflammation is involved in almost all chronic diseases, preventive care always involves getting rid of any inflammation as well as trying to deal with either causes of disease.
Miscellaneous Disorders such as Bruising, anemia.
As you can see, I know how to treat a wide variety of conditions so if you do not see your condition listed, I still might be able to help you! I may not do surgery or set broken bones but with my experience and the tools available to me I can treat almost anything except cancer. Just call me at(206) 850-7999 to discuss your case! I happy to talk with you to see if I can help. And I can tell you exactly how I might be able to help. I just know things others don’t. And have more tools I can use that others don’t have or know about (Many of which I developed myself).
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